Intel Pentium A80502133 S106J (Socket 5)



Type    CPU / Microprocessor
Family    Intel Pentium
CPU part numbers    A80502133 (Q0733, Q0751, Q0772, Q0773, Q0774, Q0775, Q0843, Q0844, Q0877, S106J, SK098, SK106, SK106J, SK107, SY022, SY023, SY082, SY126)
A80502-133 (Q0733, Q0751, Q0772, Q0773, Q0774, Q0775, Q0843, Q0844, Q0877, S106J, SK098, SK106, SK106J, SK107, SY022, SY023, SY082)
Frequency (MHz)       133
Bus speed (MHz)       66
Clock multiplier      2
Package    296-pin Ceramic Staggered Pin Grid Array (SPGA)
1.95″ x 1.95″ (4.95 cm x 4.95 cm)
Socket    Socket 5; Socket 7
Introduction date    1-Jun-95
ICOMP 2 index    111
Upgrade options

Pentium MMX overdrive 166
Pentium MMX overdrive 200

Architecture / Microarchitecture
Core steppings    B1 (Q0877)
C2 (Q0733, Q0751, Q0775, SK098)
cB1 (Q0772, Q0773, Q0774, S106J, SK106, SK106J, SK107)
cC0 (Q0843, Q0844, SY022, SY023)
Manufacturing process    0.35 micron
3.3 million transistors
Data width    32 (64 bit data bus) bit
Floating Point Unit    Integrated
Level 1 cache size       8 KB 2-way set associative code cache
8 KB 2-way set associative write-back data cache
Physical memory (GB)    4
Multiprocessing    Supported
Low power features

System Management Mode
Clock Control
SL power-management features

On-chip peripherals

Memory Management Unit
Local Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller

Electrical/Thermal parameters
Min/Recommended/Max V core (V)    3.135 / 3.3 / 3.6
Minimum/Maximum operating temperature (°C)       0 — 70
Minimum/Typical/Maximum power dissipation (W)    1.7 / 4.3 / 12.24
Thermal Design Power (W)      11.2

Notes on Intel A80502133

Minimum bus frequency is 33 MHz
There is a mobile Pentium processor with the same part number. Please use
processor specification number to distinguish between desktop and mobile processors.

Один комментарий

  1. Здравствуйте, а что камней типа Pentium I у Вас так мало, или просто не опубликованы остальные?

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