Intel Pentium II 400/512/100/2.0V SL3EE (Slot 1)



General information
Type    CPU / Microprocessor
Family    Intel Pentium II
Part number    BX80523U400512E
Processor markings    400/512/100/2.0V
Frequency (MHz)    400
Bus speed (MHz)       100
Package type    SECC2 PLGA
Socket type    Slot 1

Architecture / Microarchitecture / Other
CPUID    0652h
Core stepping    dB0
Processor core    Deschutes
Manufacturing technology (micron)    0.25
L2 cache size (KB)       512
Core voltage (V)       2.0 (1.93 — 2.1)
Case temperature (°C)       80
TagRAM    T6P-e
TagRAM stepping    0
Processor substrate revision    B1

Notes on sSpec SL3EE

Cacheable address space supports up to 4 Gbytes.
This part also ships as a boxed processor with an attached fan heatsink.
L2 cache supports ECC