Спасибо Юрию (Yl2cp)
Дальше начальной заставки не идёт, проблема с клавиатурой, надо разбираться.
Software Compatibility
Compatible with software written for the IBM PC/XT/AT using CGA or
T3100/AT&T 6300 640 x 400 high resolution graphics mode
— RGB (CGA) color video port
— RS-232-C serial port
— Parallel printer/external diskette
— Numeric keypad port
— Toshiba proprietary memory slot
— Toshiba proprietary «A» form factor expansion slot
Display type: Orange gas plasma
Display area: 7.5″W x 5.7″H; 9.5″ diagonal
Resolution: 640 x 400
Contrast: 5 : 1
AMD P80286-12/S
3.5″ 10MB Hard Disk Drive (T3100)
Number of heads: 2
Number of cylinders: 612 plus 4 spaces
Average access time: 100ms
Recording method: MFM
TEST/TEST3 setup type: 1
Model No: PA8038E
Serial No: 12813743
Manufacturer: Toshiba
Date: 1987